Cigar Bandit is made of zinc alloy and is custom molded with soft edges.
The Cigar Bandits spring loaded clip provide a secure fit for any popular cigar size.
As long as you open the clip and slide if over your cigar, the bandit soft rounded edges will not cut or tear the wrapper. Note: older cigars are not suggested.
The Cigar Bandit was designed to fit the most popular cigars from 42 to 57 ring gauge. While it can open up to fit larger sizes, it may damage the wrapper.
The first shipment is due to arrive at our headquarters on December 5th and we will start shipping right away. We estimate shipments to be made on or about December 10th.
The Cigar Bandit is designed to fit any standard ball marker so you can replace our complimentary logo ball marker with your favorite club, team or any other personalized ball marker.
Though the Cigar Bandit is made of a durable zinc alloy and the spring is made of steel, it is recommended that you dry the Bandit should it get wet.
Any metal surface, such as a golf cart, golf club, hat clip, grill, or any other metal surface nearby.
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